Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Gran Canaria is grand

Gran Canaria is a miniature continent. 

It has beaches with crystal-clear water and fine golden sand (or dark volcanic sand, whichever you prefer). And just steps away from the sea are the mountains. You can get close to the south coast to appreciate its warmth, go through its ravines and subtropical forests, or reach the ridge area where the Canary island pine reigns.

At a cool 24ºC even in midwinter, Gran Canaria is a bridge between three continents. It has witnessed the greatest adventure in history: the discovery of the New World. Its legacy as a stopping point for travelers is reflected in the open, cosmopolitan and multicultural character of the island. A heritage for the enjoyment to people with over 500 years of history marked with colonial flavor and traditions of Atlantic identity. It has a mix of traditional and contemporary local cuisine, the result of the entries and exits between continents.

Once there, you can enjoy festivals of classical music, world music, jazz, rock pop, film festivals, opera, theater... And if you like costumes and magical nights, you'll love the Carnival of Gran Canaria held in February.

The streets are filled with music and colourful parades lending an atmosphere of an island holiday. 

You can even choose your ideal acco option: from a natural palm grove city hotel to experience the city, a discreet private villa or a farmhouse at the peak. 

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