Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Now, traveling to Europe just might get easier

I can't remember the number of times I have cancelled my plans to travel to Europe because of visa restrictions and the problems in obtaining a Schengen visa. But it seems like my European backpacking dream has inched a little closer.

It seems that India and the EU are looking at easing visa restrictions because of the red tape involved. Every year, more than one million Indians apply for a visa to travel to Europe. But most of them decide not to because of the difficulty in obtaining a visa.
To tackle this, the European Union is seriously looking into updating visa procedures. The EU plan is just in the proposal stage though and proposes mostly minor changes. 

Under the proposed rules, visitors to Europe’s 22-member-state Schengen area would have their applications processed at least five days faster than it is now. Application forms would be available online and frequent travelers will have the option of applying for a three-year visa.

India has gone ten steps further. It allows travelers from 180 countries (except Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria and Sri Lanka) to apply for a visa to India online, and get a confirmation in five working days.  

Wonder why the US isn't doing something about it! Getting a tourist visa to enter the US is insanely difficult, involving multiple application fees, interviews and long waits. You're not even allowed a cell phone that has been switched off inside the consulate and neither do they have lockers for people coming alone. The least they can do is alert people through their website and social media. 

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